The new Tunisia in International Relations: Upcoming Workshop

In the wake of the intended publication on “The new Tunisia in International Relations” in the first quarter of 2015, an author’s workshop will take place at University of Passau from November 6 to November 11. A group of Tunisian Research Fellows will come together in order to discuss their articles and the concept of the publication.

The interdisciplinary working group on Foreign Policy Analysis will consider actors, i.e. persons and institutions, which are involved in Tunisian Foreign Policy and their issues and interests, such as security and terrorism, regional integration and cultural relations.  Another focus will be put on Tunisia’s external relations, as well as its special relations to USA, Germany and Qatar.  Furthermore, Tunisia’s involvement and its role in International Organizations, such as the UN, will be intensively examined.

The Research Group “Tunisia in Transition” is looking forward to the author’s coordination meeting in Passau and to a constructive, inspiring dialogue.